Markos Seferlis presents a Magnificent Production!
Based on the Oscar-winning Best Animated Feature by DreamWorks, the hilarious story of the most beloved “monster” of all time, will come to life on the stage of the PEROKE THEATER, in the winter season 2023 – 2024, with 24 Actors and a 10-piece live orchestra!
«Once upon a time, there lived in a lake a green monster named Shrek”…
And so begins the story of an unlikely hero, who finds himself on a life-changing journey alongside a wise donkey and a “crazy” princess who resists her rescue. An Epic Show! Spectacular! Shocking! Hilarious! Incredibly funny! A Unique Show for the whole Family! A lavish Musical, full of Romance, Love and Adventure! With great songs, including the smash hit ‘‘I’m a Believer’’ , SHREK the Musical is a hymn to diversity, aimed at entertainingand captivating the whole family.